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Antique & Classic Boat Society

Pacific Northwest Chapter

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  • Stehekin/Lake Chelan Odyssey - CANCELED :-(

Stehekin/Lake Chelan Odyssey - CANCELED :-(

  • Tue, September 28, 2021
  • Fri, October 01, 2021

This annual pre-event takes place before the Mahogany & Merlot Boat Show the first weekend in October.

Participants usually arrive and stay at Campbell's resort the night before, then leave for the 55 mile boat ride up Lake Chelan the following morning.

One group will be heading up to Stehekin from the public launch near the Mill Bay Casino at 9am on Tuesday. A second group will depart from the same location at 9am on Wednesday. The group will return to Chelan Friday morning and will need to coordinate an organized, one time entry to the boat show area Friday afternoon, as hydros and raceboats will be out and about. More details to come. (Ike Kielgas)

 There are good accommodations, restaurants and activities at Stehekin National Park, however the North Cascade Lodge is already full.

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